Monday 9 July 2012

heat wave

all this wonderfull heat wave here and no one to torture me with my sweater fetish awwww

Wednesday 11 April 2012

going back

so my atemp to be sealed into sweaters for 3 days  didnt work as in i had my sweaters pad locked to my  knit pants but the way i had them on dd not hold so i am going to have to come up with a way that i can seal my self in with no chance of escape  untill the keys are accessable to be anyone have any ideas?

Thursday 5 April 2012

3 night adventure

so tonight i am starting a 3 night adventer where i will have various knit items   completely covering my body minus the top of my head and face and will be sealing the items onto my self wiht key locks that are unavailiable to be untill 3 nights from now. i hope i enjoy it very much

Thursday 29 March 2012


been pretty busy lately working on some painting for the art show this summer have had a few people now wanting the same painting so it must be a good one then

Monday 26 March 2012

some photos

These are a few of the sweater photos  i have done in the past  but regretfully it is very very hard for me to find someone who will do these for me

First post

so this is just another attemp to make friends and hopefully meet that special girl to fill my life  with.  I am a sweater fetishist + various other fetishes as well\. we all anjoy more then one that is for sure. yes my spelling and grammar suck but we all make mistakes. lol i do hope to fill this site with lots of photos my me and my sweaters as well as some of my creating knit and painting( portraits) takes me a while to create a new knit item cause i just lazy liek work on them